Thee Vogels Steam Waverz Theevogels Steam Waverz Thee ritueel Steam Waverz
Thee Vogels Steam Waverz Theevogels Steam Waverz Thee ritueel Steam Waverz
3x Four Waverz: MERCI
3x Four Waverz: MERCI. A Four Waverz (4-pack) holds four identical steam waverz
€ 17,40
Price per 3x Four Waverz. 3 designs
The MERCI set is a set for bird an tea lovers. Place the steam waver on your filled teacup and the birds meet. The MERCI set is a collection of 3 designs.
  • Hugs: With this illustration you share hugs! The young one gives a heart-warming hug to the adult bird. A beautiful gift for mothers of all ages.
  • Tea birds meet in the lady's hand.
  • Water birds: The two pelicans meet in a landscape. They are surrounded by other colourful birds and cyclists.
A Four Waverz (4-pack) is new to our collection. A Four Waverz (4-pack) holds 4 reusable steam waverz.  You can order them per 3 packs, so you can make 3 girlfriends happy with the steam artwork.

Reusable paper product / produced in the Netherlands / printed with food packaging ink / packaged in biofoil bags
Design: Angeliek Caelen